Algorithms Problem Solving: Jewels and Stones

This post is part of the Algorithms Problem Solving
Problem description
This is the Jewels and Stones problem. The description looks like this:
You're given strings J
representing the types of stones that are jewels, and S
representing the stones you have. Each character in S
is a type of stone you have. You want to know how many of the stones you have are also jewels.
The letters in J
are guaranteed distinct, and all characters in J
and S
are letters. Letters are case sensitive, so "a"
is considered a different type of stone from "A"
# input: J = "aA" | S = "aAAbbbb"
# output: 3
# input: J = "z", S = "ZZ"
# output: 0
At first, I tried to understand some corner cases. For example, what should I return if the J
or the S
are an empty string?
As my first solution, the brute force solution, I needed to look through the string. So I didn't need to care about the empty strings. For empty strings, it doesn't loop, it just return the default counter, in this case, 0
I just needed to loop through the J
and for each character in the J
string, I need to compare to each character of S
. If they match, I increment the counter.
After looping through each character, just return the final counter.
def num_jewels_in_stones(J, S):
jewels = 0
for j in J:
for s in S:
if s == j:
jewels += 1
return jewels
print(num_jewels_in_stones("aA", "aAAbbbb")) # 3
print(num_jewels_in_stones("z", "ZZ")) # 0
This is a O(N^2)
solution in terms of time complexity. Or more precisaly: O(len(J) * len(S))
. For the space complexity, it is O(1)
as we just store the value in a counter. If len(J)
or len(S)
increase, the used space keeps constant.
Just to iterate this solution, we can make it O(N)
in terms of time complexity by using a hash table to store all characters as key and the counter as value.
def num_jewels_in_stones_opt(J, S):
chars_counter = {}
counter = 0
for char in J:
if char in chars_counter:
chars_counter[char] += 1
chars_counter[char] = 1
for char in S:
if char in chars_counter:
counter += chars_counter[char]
return counter
print(num_jewels_in_stones_opt("aA", "aAAbbbb")) # 3
print(num_jewels_in_stones_opt("z", "ZZ")) # 0
So, for each J
's character. Verify if it is already in the chars_counter
. If it is, just increment it. If not, initialize the counter.
Then, for each S
's character, verify if this character is in the chars_counter
. If it is, get it and add to the counter
variable. If not, do nothing.
After this iteration, we need the final value to the counter
. Just return it.
As we said before, it runs in O(N)
. Better than the first solution. But, for the worse case scenario, the space complexity is O(N)
, worse than the first approach.
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