
Algebra Fundamentals

7 min read
Maths symbols in a glassPhoto by Saad Ahmad

This is the first part of the series Mathematics for Machine Learning with Python.

Intro to equations

Starting with an equation: 2x + 3 = 9 to find the the x. x = 3

x = -41
x + 16 == -25 # True

Working with fractions

x = 45
x / 3 + 1 == 16 # True

Variables on both sides

x = 1.5
3 * x + 2 == 5 * x -1 # True

Linear Equations

Creating a dataframe with the x and y columns and their values

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

df = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(-10, 11)})
df['y'] = (3 * df['x'] - 4) / 2

A simple way to plot and show the graph

plt.plot(df.x, df.y, color="grey")

simple graph

Annotate the points when x = 0 and y = 0

plt.annotate('x-intercept', (1.333, 0))
plt.annotate('y-intercept', (0, -2))

graph with intercept

Finding the slope through the equation:

slope = Δy/Δx

The slope is usually represented by the letter m

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Getting these two points, we can infer the slope value: (0, -2), (6, 7)

m = (7 - (-2)) / (6 - 0)
m = 1.5

It means that when moving one unit to the right (x-axis), we need to move 1.5 units up (y-axis) to get back to the line.

m = 1.5
yInt = -2
mx = [0, 1]
my = [yInt, yInt + m]

Systems of Equations

In equations with two variables x and y, we can use elimination to find the values when the intersect with each other

x + y = 16
10x + 25y = 250

With elimination, you'll find out that x = 10 and y = 6 when the lines intersect.

x = 10
y = 6
print((x + y == 16) & ((10 * x) + (25 * y) == 250))

When plotting the lines of those equations, we get this graph

Here's how we generate the code

chipsAll10s = [16, 0]
chipsAll25s = [0, 16]

valueAll10s = [25, 0]
valueAll25s = [0, 10]

plt.plot(chipsAll10s, chipsAll25s, color='blue')
plt.plot(valueAll10s, valueAll25s, color="orange")
plt.xlabel('x (£10 chips)')
plt.ylabel('y (£25 chips)')

Exponentials & Logarithms

Exponentials have a simple case that's squaring a number: 2² = 2 x 2 = 4.

2 ** 2 # 4

Radicals (roots) are useful to calculate a solution for exponential

?² = 9
√9 = 3
∛64 = 4

In Python we can use math.sqrt to get the square root of a number and a trick to get the cube root.

math.sqrt(25) # 5
round(64 ** (1. / 3)) # 64 ^ 1/3 = ∛64 = 4

To find the exponent for a given number and base, we use the logarithm

4 ^ ? = 16
log₄(16) = 2

The math module has a log function that receives the number and the base

math.log(16, 4) # 2.0
math.log(29) # 3.367295829986474
math.log10(100) # 2.0

Solving equations with exponentials:

2y = 2(x^4)((x^2 + 2x^2) / x^3)
2y = 2(x^4)(3x^2 / x^3)
2y = 2(x^4)(3x^-1)
2y = 6(x^3)
y = 3(x^3)

We can exemplify this with Python

df = pd.DataFrame ({'x': range(-10, 11)})

# add a y column by applying the slope-intercept equation to x
df['y'] = 3 * df['x'] ** 3 # this is the equation we simplified above

plt.plot(df.x, df.y, color="magenta")

It generates this graph:


A polynomial is an algebraic expression containing one or more terms.

12x³ + 2x - 16

The terms themselves include:

  • Two coefficients(12 and 2) and a constant (-16)
  • A variable (x)
  • An exponent (³)

Simplifying the polynomial:

x³ + 2x³ - 3x - x + 8 - 3
3x³ - 4x + 5

And we can compare both equations in Python

from random import randint

x = randint(1,100)

(x**3 + 2 * x**3 - 3 * x - x + 8 - 3) == (3 * x**3 - 4 * x + 5)
# True


Factorization is the process of restating an expression as the product of two expressions.


You can get this value by performing the following multiplication:


So, we can say that 2xy² and -3xy are both factors of -6x²y³.

from random import randint

x = randint(1,100)
y = randint(1,100)

(2 * x * y**2) * (-3 * x * y) == -6 * x**2 * y**3

The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the highest value that is a multiple of both number n1 and number n2.

We can apply this idea to polynomials too.


The GCF of this polynomial is 2xy

Factorization is useful for expressions like the differences of squares:

x² - 9
x² - 3²
(x - 3)(x + 3)

We generalize this idea to this expression: a² - b² = (a - b)(a + b)

Ensure this is true:

from random import randint

x = randint(1,100)

(x**2 - 9) == (x - 3) * (x + 3)

This is also true for perfect squares

x² 10x + 25 (x - 5)(x + 5) (x + 5)²

And we can generalize to this expression: (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²

Ensure this with Python

from random import randint

a = randint(1,100)
b = randint(1,100)

a**2 + b**2 + (2 * a * b) == (a + b)**2

Quadratic Equations

Use the complete square method to solve quadratic equations. Take the following equation as an example:

x² + 24x + 12²

Can be factored into this:

(x + 12)²

OK, so how does this help us solve a quadratic equation? Well, let's look at an example:

y = x² + 6x - 7

Let's start as we've always done so far by restating the equation to solve x for a y value of 0:

x² + 6x - 7 = 0

Now we can move the constant term to the right by adding 7 to both sides:

x² + 6x = 7

OK, now let's look at the expression on the left: x² + 6x. We can't take the square root of this, but we can turn it into a trinomial that will factor into a perfect square by adding a squared constant. The question is, what should that constant be? Well, we know that we're looking for an expression like x² + 2cx + c², so our constant c is half of the coefficient we currently have for x. This is 6, making our constant 3, which when squared is 9 So we can create a trinomial expression that will easily factor to a perfect square by adding 9; giving us the expression x² + 6x + 9.

However, we can't just add something to one side without also adding it to the other, so our equation becomes:

x² + 6x + 9 = 16

So, how does that help? Well, we can now factor the trinomial expression as a perfect square binomial expression:

(x + 3)² = 16

And now, we can use the square root method to find x + 3:

x + 3 = √16

So, x + 3 is -4 or 4. We isolate x by subtracting 3 from both sides, so x is -7 or 1:

x = -7, 1


Functions are usually the same as it's in programming. Data in, data out.

f(x) = x² + 2
f(3) = 11
def f(x):
  return x**2 + 2

f(3) # 11

Bounds of function: domain

Imagine a function g(x) = (12 / 2x)², where {x ∈ ℝ | x ≠ 0}

In Python:

def g(x):
  if x != 0:
    return (12 / 2 * x)**2

x = range(-100, 101)
y = [g(a) for a in x]

Conditional: for k(x)

  0, if x = 0,
  1, if x = 100

In Python:

def k(x):
  if x == 0:
    return 0
  elif x == 100:
    return 1

x = range(-100, 101)
y = [k(a) for a in x]


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